Thursday, September 8, 2011

Quantum Dots

Jeniffer Kuzma begins her analysis of nanotechnology by discussing how many people believe that nanotechnology will improve the life of humans. I was curious as to how this may be true and in my research I found that there are studies of how nanoparticles may be used to diagnose and treat cancer. These particles are called quantum dots, which are crystalline nanoparticles that can be attached to proteins and receptors. In doing so, it is possible for scientists to see which molecules the protein interacts with, its location, and the signaling pathways that it utilizes. This can help scientists determine when cancer present. 

These nanoparticles can also be used to "tag" cancer cells, so scientists can see exactly where the problem exists. Also, because quantum dots are more resistant to degradation than other optical probes, they can be used to observe the changes in cancer over longer periods of time. The hopes of the future are that they will not only be able to identify cancer, but also be able to treat it [1].

However, there are fears of the risks that are associated with quantum dots. A study has shown that the shells of the quantum dots can corrode, causing toxic contents to leach into the surroundings. A large fear is that the acidity of the human body would result in the quantum dot toxins being released in the body. The concern of scientists is that if the toxins are released into the body, they could accumulate over time, causing serious health issues. It is still uncertain whether or not the toxins do accumulate in the body over a long period of time. Scientists are looking into ways to possibly lessen the risk of the quantum dot toxicity by either making the shells of the particles more resistant to corrosion, or by making the metal toxins inside the particles less toxic to humans [2].

If more studies are done proving the usefulness and practicality of using quantum dots in diagnosing and treating cancer and it is found that the toxicity of them can be managed, then I believe this would be a great breakthrough in science.  Quantum dots have the potential to change the way many diseases are treated and allow scientists to gain a better understanding about the way cells interact in the body. 

[1] Press Release, University of California, 
[2] Scientists Eye Risks of Quantum Dots,

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